Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Cloud Revolution: How the Convergence of New Technologies will Unleash the Next Economic Boom and a Roaring 2020s

Focusing on three "technological domains" (p. xiii), Mark P. Mills reflected the optimism that the title exudes--"information, materials, and machines" (p. xiii) that he prefaced in his book. He cited the "cloud" as the infrastructure that enables the domains. Mills tempered his enthusiasm by admitting to the decline in drug discovery, "50 percent per year per billion dollars spent since 1950" (pp. xx-xxi) with equal declines in productivity and in "manufacturing, services, and education" (p. xxi). You might think of other industries in that category. With those qualifiers, Mills continued to reference the advances in the three domains. The consequence of the cloud backbone facilitating the three domains results in economic growth for entire populations, healthier lives, and greater conveniences, according to the author. Divided into four parts, the book covered, first, the author's technology forecasting methods, second, the cloud infrastructure, third, the cloud's impact on the three domains, and, part four, the business implications of parts two and three.

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