Monday, June 1, 2009

Ken Fisher: The Ten Roads to Riches

Ken Fisher wrote a lively 'how to' book on getting rich. Unlike most books, which present only one formula, Ken offers ten: "manage other people's money, marry rich, be a sidekick, be an athlete or entertainer, become a CEO, invest in real estate, enter the legal field, start a business, invent income, and save and invest wisely" (p. xiii). No matter which route you choose, note the list of books on page 120 on selling yourself, a fundamental skill for any path.
If you find yourself in a leadership position, Fisher urged readers to lead from the front, acting in ways that followers can emulate--working the hours that they work, flying the class that they fly (coach or business), and working as a team. If you occupy the middle class with a average job and salary, Fisher recommends that you save and invest in stock, in up times and down. With compound interest and stock growth, you will increase wealth.

Recommended reading

How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
You'll see it when you believe it. Wayne Dyer
The psychology of selling, Brian Tracy
The difference maker, John Maxwell
Confidence, by Roseabeth Kanter
See you at the Top, Zig Ziglar
Spin Selling, Neil Rackham

Fisher, K. (2009). The ten roads to riches: The ways the wealthy got there (And how you can too!). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.